Cities and States that have Paused Evictions Due to Covid-19

by | Apr 27, 2021 | blog

The covid-19 outbreak has had various kinds of repercussions in almost every sector. While some areas of the United States are under shelter in place orders, others respond in different ways. Additionally, the announcement of department of housing and urban Development stated that it is going to suspend all addictions and foreclosures until the end of April.

The Federal Housing Finance Agency has directed Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac to do the same for at least 60 days. Post this. The national multifamily housing council has put out the release on March 22 asking apartment owners and landlords to alterations for windows that experience job loss or election as or a result of Covid 19.

In this light, there are many confusions to what State has passed eviction sandwich ones have not and so we decided to put together a blog that covers the states and cities which have paused evictions due to Covid 19.

Read on to know the states and cities that have paused evictions due to covid-19 and those that have not so you can make informed decisions about renting or any other commercial investing.

  • Alabama – There is no eviction moratorium in please wired is to the small businesses across the State of Alabama ring back. They are eligible for resistance to the small business administration’s loan program by calling about the Spiderwick.
  • Alaska – There has been no formal eviction moratorium in place in the State of Alaska. Have a bow, then he had it daddy governing off I’ll ask oven soon sign, and we could do or don’t trading that no revisions will be carried out on 13000 Alaskan schools is you rental assistance from the estate housing finance corporation.
  • Arizona – the governor of Arizona, has delayed admissions for people hit by covid-19 for up to 120 days. However, tenants are needed to provide verifiable documentation to benefit and will still be responsible for paying any rent owed.
  • Tucson – While there is no formal order passed, the Pima county constables have allegedly filed an order stating that they would pause all evictions until they receive updates from the Arizona supreme court.
  • Arkansas – No eviction moratorium is in place, but the State has requested disaster loans to small businesses.
  • California – The Governor of California has issued an executive order which authorizes local governments to pause house evictions for renters for the time being.
  • Contra Costa – the Contra Costa board of supervisors has put an eviction moratorium that will be retrospective from March 16 and extend until May 31. The ones who want to avail this will need to prove that Covid-19 has impacted them.
  • Arcata – There has been no formal eviction moratorium in place.
  • El Monte – El Monte has a 60-day moratorium order in place on evictions. Those who want to avail this will need to prove that Covid-19 has impacted them.
  • Eureka – The Eureka city council has extended a moratorium on renovations and foreclosures until July 28.
  • Los Angeles – The mayor of Los Angeles has issued an executive order that no landlord can evict residential tenants in the city of Los Angeles until the emergency period of covid-19 is done. For the more, he has also issued a notice stating that tenants will have up to six months of time following the expiration of the local emergency period to repay any rent that is due. The Los Angeles city council is also considering expanding this moratorium to 12 months in the interest of its inhabitants.
  • Fresno – Quite similar to the orders passed out in Los Angeles, the city of Fresno has also issued an order stating that no residential tenants will be evicted due to loss of income cost from the covid-19 outbreak. For the more, the commercial landlords are also prohibited from everything commercial tenants Who own businesses are closed either voluntarily or by the court mandate to reduce the spread of the virus. All production of proper documentation tenants will have up to 6 months after the termination of this emergency declaration to repay rent.
  • San Francisco – the mayor of San Francisco, has also enacted a moratorium on all residential evictions and commercial evictions on small and medium-sized businesses, which the Coronavirus impacts. This applies to all the businesses which have a license to conduct business in San Francisco.
  • Santa Monica – The city of Santa Monica has given its tenants up to 12 months to pay rent which they skipped due to the Covid-19 crises. Additionally, the city is also protecting commercial tenants.
  • Colorado – The State of Colorado has a state-wide eviction moratorium in place.
  • Denver – The mayor of Denver has announced that the evictions will be paused until further notice is given.
  • Connecticut – While there is no strict moratorium on evictions passed by order, the State has paused case hearings on the eviction cases while providing landlords an opportunity still to file new eviction cases in the court of law. Housing advocates have requested moratoriums on evictions.
  • Florida – As Florida is part of the Small Business Administration program, they’re offering emergency loans to small and medium businesses. Additionally, there’s also further relief for small business owners who have 2 to 100 employees located in Florida who are affected by Covid-19 for short-term period loans up to $50,000.
  • Georgia – There is no statewide eviction moratorium in place currently in the State of Georgia.
  • Idaho – There is no statewide eviction moratorium in place currently in the State of Idaho. However, the hearings of evictions have been put on hold after a court order passed by the District Administrative Judge.
  • Illinois – The Governor of Illinois has paused residential evictions and has further postponed all eviction court cases in Putnam, Stark, Tazewell, Peoria, and Marshall counties. The Small Business Administration (SBA) has also approved the State’s eligibility to apply and avail disaster assistance loans for small and medium businesses.
  • Chicago – The mayor of Chicago has asked all the property owners to “give tenants some grace” during the period. The eviction cases of Chicago are being handled in Cook County, which has further paused eviction cases.
  • Kansas – The Governor of Kansas has signed an executive order and has caused financial institutions to pause residential and business evictions along with mortgage foreclosures.
  • Kentucky – There is no state-wide eviction moratorium in place currently in the State of Kentucky.
  • Maryland – The Governor of Maryland has issued an emergency order that stops Maryland courts from ordering eviction orders to any tenant who can provide enough proof of failure to pay rent as an impact of covid-19.
  • New Jersey – The Governor of New Jersey has issued an executive order to pause evictions and foreclosures for 60 days.
  • Santa Fe – The Mayor of Santa Fe has frozen residential and commercial evictions and has also put a moratorium on water shut-off.
  • New York – The Governor of New York has enacted a three-month suspension on all residential and commercial evictions. The State will also suspend mortgage payments for those who didn’t work for 90 days as a result of Covid-19.
  • North Carolina – An order passed by the Chief Justice has paused all evictions and foreclosures for 30 days.

Investors are advised to check the relevant local rules and regulations about their respective states before making any investment decisions. 

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