Future of CRE Industry During this Covid times

by | Last updated Jul 22, 2024 | blog

Covid-19 has brought significant changes in the commercial real estate industry. It forced many businesses to shut down while the others had to bring in new plans for operating and working regularly. The changes that have been made were quite surprising, but for the safety of the workers and employers, the steps have to be taken. Be it the private commercial real estate lenders, the property owners, or the other people associated with commercial real estate loan, everyone has suffered dramatically. No doubt the industry will survive the crisis but might not look the same on the other side.

Given the current situation and the new variants of covid-19 coming up, the businesses are forced to make employees work from home through digital mode. This has led to changes that might prove beneficial, but it can be pretty harsh for the industry. The changes that the covid-19 has brought to the CRE industry are mentioned here.

Changes in CRE due to covid-19

Undoubtedly the virus situation has affected the industry quite severely. Although it was expected to move upward due to the rising cases and the different variants coming up, things have become more complicated. The ongoing condition of the CRE tells about the future. Here’s what to expect.

1. Construction activity delays impacting the supply

The office segment has grown tremendously. The supply was relatively high every year, along with excellent absorption. The stats have revealed about the supply if things would have been normal. The supply was expected around about 47 m square fit in the year 2020. The projects that were near completion got delayed. This means there was a significant shift in the availability of the spaces. Some of the developers wanted to secure leases from occupiers, which has been spread over the next year as developers might not be willing to pay a considerable amount for the occupancy certificate when the majority of the projects are not leased on time. The delay in construction during the pandemic and the absence of material labor has considerably declined the supply. It is estimated that there is a 50% reduction in the supply after the covid situation began.


2. Reduced demand

The pandemic has affected the office spaces demand. The occupiers might not be able to understand the scenario truly. There had been significant business shutdowns and slowdowns. While the expansion plans have been shelved. It was found that the situation has greatly led to an economic slowdown which can lead to the global crisis, and the absorption in the year 2020 to reduce significantly to 17% from the pre covid estimates.

The office spaces operating in full swing now are seeing a significant reduction in the lease. This happened because there are important rules and restrictions regarding the businesses going back into operation. They need to follow all the rules to keep the employees safe. The risk that comes with the virus has reduced the demand. Besides, the businesses now also understand how they can easily manage their business operations right from home without using a property. The realization is expected to lead to a decrease in demand for the CRE properties in the coming time.

3. The rentals are under pressure

As most corporate occupiers are in the IT sector, they are likely to revisit their business plans in the coming year. It is found that US-based companies are considering taking the digital mode for operations. Major companies like Google has already brought in the change. The current testing time will compel the operators to explore different options that can be used in the future to optimize the cost.

The US will be able to arrest the pandemic spread and even prevent the economic contraction so that the demand for space can remain intact. Undoubtedly, the economy has been significantly affected, but the renewables leases and commitments are likely to cause the rentals to be negotiated. The large occupiers who have been using the space during the pandemic may consider this period while renewing the lease and negotiating the rentals. This means the consolidated plans may have to move to different locations to keep up with the rental payouts. In simple words, the property owners are likely to come under pressure as the new leases will be negotiated better.

4. Flexible spaces demand is on the rise

To keep up with the safety of the employees and everyone else at work, the businesses now have to reconsider the workstation and the production area for optimizing area state requirements. Besides this, they also have to consider a flexible working schedule to reduce the space requirements and reduce operating costs. It is expected that flexible timings and telecommuting will become a new change depending upon the type of the business. All the occupants might not change, but there can be some preferable technology and flexible schedules to optimize cost. It is expected that the top companies can save about 11000 USD using telecommunication every year. Besides having experience telecommuters during the covid-19 has served to be highly beneficial for the companies. So they might even consider it as a long-term strategy that will optimize the requirement and the cost.

The need for office spaces that can help maintain social distancing norms while ensuring accessible communication and productivity will rise. This means there will be a requirement for innovations to fit the need while there can be a possibility that the businesses might themselves have gone for the renovations or certain additions to guarantee they have the ease of carrying out the regular job.

The future of CRE

No one knows what the future holds for the CRE, but as the pandemic situation is changing, the investors are still waiting for the business to get back in full swing. No doubt the pandemic situation has brought in a lot of complexities and challenges, but also there have been some opportunities. When used correctly, they will serve as an excellent means for the investors to make the most of the investment and earn the money they might have lost during the pandemic. The industry is still trying to recover from what it has faced during the last two years.

No doubt the demand is on the rise, but the availability of the space is still a constraint. It is now time that the businesses consider a hybrid model to keep up with the business operations. At the same time, the companies that cannot afford to pay for such rental space are choosing to move to the suburbs. They are taking this back step to avoid not just a crowd but also to get low-priced rentals. In addition to this, there are different other things that a business can take care of, like coming up with a plan and making opportunities for work-from-home options. No doubt, the work from the home model will provide great convenience and a chance to save money. It will also assure the flexible model can be handled well for everyone’s benefit.

When proper measures are taken, it will help keep everyone in the industry safe and provide the lenders the chance to get back to their regular business operations while they can get returns on the investment. No doubt it won’t be easy to get back to the pre-pandemic time, but when taken care of things, there will be a lot more convenience. It requires a lot of planning to get back into the operations in full swing.

It is now time for the industry to work together to improve the current scenario and bring back proper workflow. The difficulties that businesses can face are an increase in the coming time if the pandemic affects them. But things can be handled smartly with flexible structures. This will make the operations easier.


The covid-19 brought many changes in the CRE industry that no one knows when will get back to normal. In the current scenario, making the industry investment or getting a property for the business need might be pretty tricky. One needs to have a good idea about the industry and take measures in a scenario like now. Thus having professional support is essential. Private Capital Investors is the one you can trust to get the help. They have experienced professionals who can guide you in the industry. Right from helping you with the investments to finding suitable lenders who can provide great deals, they will do it all. In short, they will be there as a proper support system you need in the current scenario to get good returns on your investment. With the assistance, one can have a great business.

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